The DJI Mavic Pro is a wonderful, compact consumer drone (released in 2016). This little drone paved the way for hundreds of its kind and showed the world what a UAS can do.
However, since it is one of the first of its kind, it has a few drawbacks. From gimbal panning issues to firmware update failure, there are nine known issues with this drone model.
This article discusses some of the most common issues with the DJI Mavic Pro, and it contains tips on how to combat these complaints.
1. Gimbal panning issues
One of the most important features of any drone is the gimbal. Without stable movement, a camera on a moving machine—such as a drone—becomes practically useless.
The biggest fault of the gimbal is how fragile it is.
Something as simple as shipping can damage the gimbal enough to disable the camera completely.
Your Mavic Pro should come with a small gimbal cover – this guarantees better protection.
However, you should never fly with the clear gimbal cover on the drone. This can often do more harm than good and will interfere with the mobility of the camera.
2. Limited Camera Settings
Drone cameras are evolving at a rapid rate. When the Mavic Pro was released, small quality cameras were just beginning to improve.
The Mavic Pro comes with a 12-megapixel camera which is meager compared to the 20-megapixel camera of the Mavic 2 Pro.
It also only has a 1/2.3 inch sensor which is much smaller than the newer models. However, in most cases, an aerial image from this drone will not be disappointing.
If camera quality is your primary focus, a newer model may be a better option.
3. Bulky controller
Controllers connect the drone to the pilot. Both comfort and functionality are important in the Mavic Pro’s controller design.
The Mavic Pro controller is excellent when it comes to functionality; it includes buttons you can program to perform various functions, as well as wheels to control the camera.
However, the design leaves a little bit to be desired. The controller is bulky which is often inconvenient when traveling or packing light.
» MORE: Can You Fly a Mavic Pro in the Rain? (What to Do if It Gets Wet)
4. Jittery camera
The camera is the heart and soul of the drone. Without a camera, the pilot wouldn’t be able to see, navigate, or assess situations.
Cinematography and other video work require smooth movement.
The jittery camera on the Mavic Pro often stems from the mounting system.
Luckily this is an easy fix and can be avoided simply by adjusting the gimbal to allow all parts to move freely.
5. Compass errors
A compass is a tool that allows you to know which direction you are facing.
A compass embedded in a drone essentially does the same thing. The compass uses tools to find magnetic north and align it with the direction of the drone.
Occasionally the Mavic Pro’s compass isn’t able to determine which way the drone is facing.
This usually causes an error message to appear on your screen, and the drone won’t be able to take off.
6. Condensation on the lens
Temperature is an important factor to consider when putting a camera on a quadcopter. Temperature changes with elevation, which requires extra care to avoid problems.
As temperature decreases and humidity increases, lens fogging can occur. The Mavic Pro commonly runs into this problem because of the camera design.
Luckily the problem is only present in certain climates and recedes as the drone moves.
7. Loose folding arms
One of DJI’s most common designs is the folding quadcopter. With four folding arms, these drones are compact and easy to take anywhere.
The Mavic Pro is the first folding drone DJI released – it’s no wonder there are a couple of common issues with this section of the design.
The arms on this pioneering model have a tendency to loosen, which can make flying dangerous.
8. Trapped arm wires/ESC error
Another problem that can occur with any drone is Electronic Speed Control (ESC) errors. These errors have a variety of causes, and it can be difficult to determine the root of the problem.
The electronic speed controller is a system that controls the speed of the motors in the air when changing speeds. An error within this system can cause the drone to crash.
Although there are numerous causes for this error, the Mavic Pro has a known reason.
The folding arms help keep the drone small, but they require wires that run between the gaps in the hinges. This can create a space for wires to get pinched, twisted, and damaged which can interfere with the ESC.
Using the drone constantly increases the likelihood of this kind of damage, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the wires.
9. Firmware update fails
Companies are always working to improve their designs, and this includes making their software better.
Updating a drone can be a hassle, but it beats dealing with other system malfunctions, which can occur if the drone software is not maintained.
Updating the Mavic Pro is no different and adds to this drone’s repertoire of difficulties. The drone sometimes stops in the middle of updates and will not move forward no matter what you do.
A simple bad wifi connection or an old or unformatted SD card can often be the culprit.
Note: The Mavic Pro is a discontinued model, therefore, DJI does not guarantee repairs.