Your hatred of the rain as a drone pilot reminds you of being a petulant child wanting to go out and play, but stormy days hindered your fun.

Every time you see a misty day in the forecast, you forego flying, but is it always necessary?
Can you take the DJI Mini 2 SE for a flight in the rain? You can fly the DJI Mini 2 SE in the rain with no guarantees it will come out scot-free. DJI states that the Mini 2 SE is not waterproof and shouldn’t be flown even in a light drizzle.
Make sure you check out the information in this post before you plan your next drone flight. It just could preserve your pricy DJI drone!
To help, we’ve identified and reviewed the best drone courses for beginners and professionals.
Is the DJI Mini 2 SE waterproof?
DJI states upfront on its FAQ page that the Mini 2 SE is not waterproof.
Here is the full FAQ answer: “No. Avoid contact with water during use as it may lead to damage of the device.
If it rains during flight, please return and land as soon as possible, and wait until the aircraft is fully dry inside before using it again.”
» MORE: Can I Fly My DJI Drone in the Rain?
Can you fly the DJI Mini 2 SE in light rain?
Despite DJI’s warnings, not all pilots listen. Sometimes, it’s a situation of getting caught in the rain unawares and wondering how to handle this predicament.
Other pilots can’t help but wonder what kind of footage quality they’d get by flying a drone like the Mini 2 SE in the rain.
Bearing that in mind, will a light drizzle hurt this drone?
Potentially! The Mini 2 SE is no different than any other drone in that regard.
There are too many hazards when using a drone in light rain. For one, the misty, foggy weather will reduce your visibility, making drone piloting more difficult.
Is the Mini 2 SE the costliest drone in the DJI family? Not even close! It’s not even the most expensive drone in the Mini family, but that’s also because it’s far from the newest. It costs about $400.
That might not be much money to spend on a drone, but it’s all relative.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to throw away $400 by crashing my drone in an avoidable situation like flying in a drizzle.
» MORE: Can You Fly a Drone in Light Rain?
Okay, let’s say you get a spotter to maintain drone visibility. There are still more issues afoot when operating the Mini 2 SE in the rain.
For instance, those high-quality photos or videos you anticipated capturing? They likely won’t happen.
The lenses and sensors of the Mini 2 SE aren’t waterproof, so they’ll get water droplets on them, reducing your navigability and image and video quality.
The biggest bummer of all is the damage that rain can cause to a drone. The venting holes throughout allow water right into the Mini 2 SE.
When moisture reaches the electrical components, they can short-circuit and fail.
Your drone can crash through the sky into the rain-soaked ground (or a body of water; it depends on where you’re flying).
It would almost certainly be a goner in that scenario.
Even if you manage to bring your drone to a relatively safe landing, rainwater in the electrical components can lead to permanent breakage.
You’d have to pay for replacement parts or possibly buy a new drone.
At that point, you might as well consider an upgrade to the Mini 3 or Mini 3 Pro.
» MORE: DJI Mini 3 Pro vs. Holy Stone HS720E (Here’s My Choice)
Can the DJI Mini 2 SE fly in heavy rain?

As I’m sure you could guess, if you shouldn’t fly the Mini 2 SE in light rain (like a drizzle), it’s not a much smarter idea in heavy rain.
Of course, pilots have done it, sometimes accidentally and other times intentionally. Here’s a video showing the latter.
This pilot seemed curious whether flying the Mini 2 SE in heavy weather could be done. The drone survived, at least in that it didn’t short-circuit, fall, or fail during the flight.
However, who knows how well the drone fared afterward? There’s no video showing that.
So let’s talk further about the risks of flying your Mini 2 SE in heavy rain so you know better than to attempt it.
» MORE: Can DJI Avata Fly in the Rain? (Explained)
Worse visibility than usual
If you’ve taken your Mini 2 SE out for a few spins on a drizzly day and had a hard time seeing, imagine how much worse it will be with pelting rain.
You’ll struggle to see several feet in front of you, which is not conducive to flying a drone.
You’re putting the Mini 2 SE in danger and risking the health of anyone else around you. You also increase your chances of causing property damage.
» MORE: How Does Weather Affect Drones? (Explained for Beginners)
Higher winds
A drizzle doesn’t always come with blustery winds, but a storm typically does. The Mini 2 SE is a lightweight, like the rest of the drones in the Mini family.
If you need the refresher, it weighs under 249 grams without any additional payload.
Its wind resistance of 10.7 m/s is decent, but even Level 5 wind resistance won’t help this drone much in serious weather.
» MORE: DJI Mini 2 SE and Weather (Explained for Beginners)
Greater risk of water damage
Heavier, faster rainfall presents more opportunities for moisture to enter the internal components of the Mini 2 SE, damaging or permanently breaking it.
Even if your drone survives one rainstorm, tempting fate and doing it again is not wise. The damage will catch up with your Mini 2 SE sooner or later!
» MORE: Can You Fly a Drone in the Rain? (Explained for Beginners)
Precautions to take when flying a drone in wet weather
However, sometimes you must fly in wet weather, especially commercially.
You must be prepared for the precipitation. Here are some precautions to add to your pre-flight checklist.
- Keep it short: You could short-circuit your drone within the first 30 seconds of flying it in the rain. It’s unlikely, but it can happen. Preserving the drone from damage usually means shielding it from bad weather, so spend as little time on this operation as you can. Get the footage you need, or do the job required and get out.
- Consider using auxiliary lights: Rainy days are usually dark, so you should think about adding lights to your Mini 2 SE to ensure safer flights. Keep in mind that accessories can drive the payload over the 249-gram threshold. You’d have to register your drone with the FAA before flying it.
- Fly short-range: Today is not the day to push the Mini 2 SE to its limits. Keep it close to you so you can monitor it in flight.
- Don’t go fast: On that same note, maintain a consistent speed, but don’t zip around, reaching close to the Mini 2 SE’s speed limits. That said, don’t fly as slow as a turtle, as that allows more rainwater to enter the drone.
- Skip flights over the water: A flight over a placid lake or rolling stream is great on a clear day, but in the rain? I wouldn’t recommend it. If your drone short-circuits and falls, you don’t want it landing in a body of water. It will be toast.
- Take out the battery: Once you’ve landed, you must continue your precautionary measures to ensure your Mini 2 SE lives to fly another day. Remove its batteries from the compartment, drying them on a towel and allowing them to sit and dry out the rest of the way. Please turn your drone off before you take out the batteries to lessen the risk of electrical shock.
- Let the drone dry: Use a towel to sop up excess water on the drone’s body, but don’t try to reach inside the internal components. You could cause damage where there was none before or worsen what was only a minor issue. Give the drone at least a day to sit out in a room-temperature environment and dry out.
- Never use heating methods like a hair dryer/blow dryer or radiator to speed up the process. You can use your drone again when you’re confident it’s completely dry.
» MORE: Flying a Drone in Hot Weather (Things You Should Know)
Can you waterproof the DJI Mini 2 SE?
You can use traditional waterproofing methods, such as a waterproof skin or conformal coating on the Mini 2 SE, but do I necessarily recommend it? No.
These methods could void your DJI warranty, leaving you on your own if your drone breaks from future flights in the rain.
Additionally, you must waterproof a drone carefully, as if you block any vents or openings, it can overheat the next time you fly.
You’re better off using your drone in clear weather. Only consider waterproofing if you have to fly your Mini 2 SE in the rain often.
» MORE: How Does Weather Affect the DJI Mini 2? (With 30 Tips)
Can its controller withstand rain?
The Mini 2 SE uses the DJI RC-N1, a standard controller. Like the DJI drone itself, the RC-N1 is not waterproof or water-resistant.
You shouldn’t get it wet if you can help it, as the battery doesn’t come out nearly as easily as the Mini 2 SE’s battery.
You might not be able to take the battery out at all, making it dangerous to dry the controller.
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