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How to Get a Drone License in Georgia (Explained for Beginners)

If you live in the state of Georgia, you may be wondering how to take your drone hobby to the next level. In order to fly a drone in connection with any business purposes, you must have a drone license.

In this article, we go through the process you need to follow to get a drone license in the state of Georgia.

How to get a drone license in Georgia?

Here’s how to get a drone license in Georgia:

  • Check the FAA’s eligibility rules
  • Make an IACRA account and request an FTN
  • Sign up for the exam at a Knowledge Testing Center
  • Study for the test
  • Take the Part 107 exam and pass
  • Send in Form 8710-13
  • Receive and use your certificate

There are many intricacies to earning one’s drone pilot certificate in Georgia, so I compiled this beginner’s guide.

It will provide clear step-by-step instructions so you can get started.

Best Drone Courses for Beginners (Part 107 & More)

To help, we’ve identified and reviewed the best drone courses for beginners and professionals.

See Course List Editor's Choice
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Here’s how to obtain a drone license in Georgia

The FAA governs drone use in the United States, including Georgia. Under their laws, commercial drone pilots must have a Remote Pilot Certificate, unofficially called the Part 107 license.

This certificate grants you the right to fly your drone commercially, i.e., for profit.

You also have more freedoms than a recreational pilot, although you’re still beholden to FAA federal laws and Georgia state and local laws (more on that to come).

Here are the steps to earn your commercial drone license in Georgia.

Check the FAA’s eligibility rules

The FAA ensures safe skies for everyone, so the organization places restrictions on who can test for a commercial license.

You must be fully proficient in English and mentally and physically healthy. You also must be at least 16 years old.

Most importantly, you must pass the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) exam, the FAA commercial drone test.

Make an IACRA account and request an FTN

Next, visit the Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application or IACRA website here.

IACRA is an FAA portal with policy and regulatory requirements for drone pilots. Many important account details are stored on the site, so you must sign up for an account.

Click the register link on the top right corner of the homepage, where you will see the option to log in. You’ll have to select relevant roles, including applicant status, instructors, and certifying officers by clicking the checkboxes.

You can move on to the second page of registration after agreeing to IACRA’s terms of service. This page is where you create your account, inputting a username and password. You’re required to answer two security questions.

You can leave the Certificate Information section blank for now, going back and adding this information after you obtain your commercial license.

IACRA will send you an email confirmation. Now that you have an IACRA account, you can get your FAA Tracking Number.

An FTN is your unique identifier. You must have an FTN to verify your identity when registering for the Part 107 exam.

Sign up for the Part 107 exam at an FAA Knowledge Testing Center

You’re ready to register for the commercial drone test. The FAA has Knowledge Testing Centers throughout Georgia and the rest of the country for taking this in-person exam.

You’ll use the PSI website to find them. PSI is a test development resource that works with the FAA.

Click Find a Test Center on the PSI website to search for testing centers in your part of Georgia, from Atlanta to Macon, Valdosta, Savannah, Alpharetta, Augusta, and elsewhere.

» MORE: FAA and the Knowledge Testing Centers (PSI)

Go back to the homepage when you’re ready to register. You must create a PSI account, but you’ll first have to share your FTN and full name for verification.

You will receive an email confirmation after registering on PSI. Log into your profile and select a testing date and time at your nearest Knowledge Testing Center.

Could you take the FAA exam tomorrow if you wanted to? Sure, if your Knowledge Testing Center has the availability. However, taking the test a few weeks out is best to give yourself enough time to study.

Study for the test

Let’s discuss studying for the Part 107 exam, shall we?

The FAA test to earn your commercial drone license isn’t free. It costs $175 per attempt, so aspiring pilots prefer to pass the first time around. Part 107 online test prep courses can help you do it.

A quick Google search will reveal no shortage of these prep courses, so which is right for you? Here is a list of my most preferred courses. I recommend these for a variety of reasons.

The courses are available at different price points and offer great material in easy-to-learn video or text formats.

Professionals like FAA pilots and commercial license holders lead the Part 107 online test prep courses on my list.

You can prepare for the Part 107 exam with practice exams, and the money-back guarantees if you don’t pass should give you peace of mind.

You can even get $175 to put toward a second crack at the test, so you don’t have to pay out of pocket.

You can’t go wrong whether you enroll at Pilot Institute, Peltier Photo Courses, Drone Pro Academy, or Drone Pilot Ground School.

 » MORE: Best Drone Courses for Beginners

Take the Part 107 exam and pass

The Unmanned Aircraft General – Small UAG exam is a comprehensive knowledge test consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions.

The test covers materials like weather sources, drone limitations, emergency procedures, radio communication, and drone performance.

You will have two and a half hours to take the exam, which most aspiring pilots find ample enough time.

When test day arrives, leave early so you don’t have to stress about getting to your test late. Take your government photo ID, such as a driver’s license. You can also bring some tools for the test, like a protractor, but no electronic devices.

You will receive everything else you need for the exam, including blank paper and a pencil.

You can get up to 18 questions wrong on the exam and pass, as you only need a score of 70 percent. However, make sure to pat yourself on the back if you earn a higher score!

Send in Form 8710-13

You can finally breathe a sigh of relief as you’ve taken the commercial drone pilot exam. Your results won’t be ready instantly, but between one and three weeks. Check the IACRA site, where you’ll see your results.

Did you pass? Great! However, if you didn’t, that’s okay. You can take the exam again if it’s been two weeks since your last attempt. You will have to pay for a retake.

When you pass, log back into IACRA and complete FAA Form 8710-13. This electronic form requests a printable version of your commercial drone certificate.

Your permanent license will arrive in the mail, but it can take a month or several. Use an interim license instead.

  1. Select Start New Application to begin Form 8710-13.
  2. Choose Pilot for the application.
  3. Select Remote Pilot under Certifications.
  4. Then click Other Path Information and Start Application.

You will need your Knowledge Test Exam ID, a 17-digit identifier in your IACRA profile, to complete the form.

IACRA will email you a downloadable, printable commercial drone license if you pass the TSA background check.

Receive and use your certificate

You can print the temporary license the same day you receive it and begin flying. The FAA will continue processing your application in the meantime and mail your permanent license when they finish.

I have my commercial drone license in Georgia – Now what?

You did it! You have a commercial drone license and can enjoy the privileges that come with it.

However, before taking off, make sure you’re in the clear.

Whether you own one drone or a fleet, you must register a commercial drone with the FAA. Registering it for three years will cost $5 per drone, so it’s not a terrible expense.

You might consider drone insurance. This is optional but makes your flights in Georgia safer.

You should also brush up on your drone laws. Federal laws are consistent across the country, but Georgia has state and local laws you can read about here.

According to Georgia Department of Natural Resources Park Rules & Regulations, drones cannot fly in historic sites or state parks throughout Georgia without a waiver.

Locally, Conyers, Augusta, Cherokee County, and Stone Mountain Park have ordinances limiting drone activity.

Conyers prohibits drones from flying at the Georgia International Horse Park. Augusta limits drone use in populated parts of Richmond County without Augusta, Georgia Commission permission and FAA authorization.

You can only use your drone in designated parts of Cherokee County, and Stone Mountain Park bans drones altogether.

Your Remote Pilot Certificate expires two years after you receive it. Obtaining a Part 107 sUAS recurrent certificate is simpler than ever. You can register for a free exam through FAA that you can take online.

First, you’ll go through a five-part course, and then you’re tested on the materials. You must score perfectly to recertify, so answer carefully.

You will be able to change wrong answers, and the test will tell you when you get an incorrect answer.  

Read more about the certificate renewal process.