You’re about to click the buy button on a new DJI drone, and you want to know if it’s worth it to add on the DJI Care Refresh option. Any sort of insurance coverage that you buy is purchased with the hope that you’ll never need to use it, but then you’re glad that you …
Traveling with your drone is easy and can get you some really unique aerial photography opportunities. But not all travel destinations with your drone are equally easy or drone friendly. If you’re traveling to Dubai hoping to get some great shots with your drone, you may want to think again. Just passing through on your …
How far a drone can fly from the controller while still maintaining a viable signal is called the drone’s range. Each model of drone has an advertised flight range, which may or may not play out in real life situations, but gives a pretty good idea as to what you can expect. But the physical …
Drones have become commonplace in our skies and neighborhoods, and it seems they let anyone fly one these days. Even my six-year-old daughter has gotten the itch to fly her toy drone any chance she gets. But before you tear the packaging off your new drone and get it up in the air, take a …
Whether you’re a recreational drone flyer looking to improve your flight skills, or an aspiring professional drone pilot, there’s always more to learn about drones and how to make them work for us. There are tons of training resources available to help drone pilots improve their skills and credentials, but the question always is, how …
You’ve heard the term thrown around the drone community all the time, so what exactly is Part 107, who needs to know, and how do you get it? Here we answer all the questions you might have about Part 107, or send you to the resources you need for more help. What is Part 107? …
It’s hard work getting to be a professional drone pilot. But if you’ve recently passed your Part 107 test and are now a licensed drone pilot, the next step to getting up and running as a professional is to start selling your drone services. Before you can present your business to potential clients, you need …
There’s nothing more frustrating than spotting a perfect angle for a drone shot, getting it lined up just, almost, right… and the low battery light starts flashing. You just got it up there, and barely had a chance to look around, so how could the battery already be running out? Is it just me, or …
Drones are becoming more and more mainstream, as both hobbyists and professionals take to the skies in increasing numbers. If you’ve been bitten by the drone bug, it’s enticing to want to turn your hobby into a profession. So if that’s you, what’s the best path to take to get to the place where you …
The right age for kids to fly or have a drone of their own depends on the child, on the parents’ comfort level and on the type of drone in question. My kids know all about drones, but I haven’t let them fly one yet, aside from letting my oldest (age 6) “help” to hold …