Flying a drone commercially in Wyoming requires having a drone license issued through the FAA.
What do you need to do to get a license in Wyoming?
Here’s how to obtain a drone license in Wyoming:
- Meet the FAA’s criteria for commercial pilots
- Get an FAA Tracking Number
- Schedule a testing appointment at a Wyoming Knowledge Testing Center
- Study
- Take the Part 107 exam and score well
- Submit Form 8710-13
With that, you’re ready to start the road to Wyoming drone licensure. It’s an exciting path, but one that may have you face a few challenges.
With the right preparation, you’ll be ready for all the challenges ahead, so let’s discuss what you need to do in more detail.
To help, we’ve identified and reviewed the best drone courses for beginners and professionals.
Here’s how to obtain a drone license in Wyoming
So, why I did I say it’s a difficult road on the way to becoming a licensed pilot? Well, it only is if you choose the commercial license, which many first-time pilots are interested in.
This license grants you the legal right to fly your drone for profit, aka earn money from your drone part-time or full-time.
However, you have to pass the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) test first, no small or easy feat. Before you can do that, there are a lot of other steps to complete, such as the following.
Meet the FAA’s criteria for commercial pilots
The FAA has rules about who can become a commercial drone pilot, with the goal of creating safer skies for all aviation professionals, not only drone users.
Okay, so what’s required of you? Well, you must be 16 and up. You also need to be proficient enough physically and mentally for drone flight and have perfect English.
Peltier was a part of the U.S. Air Force as an F-15E flight instructor for a decade making him qualified to teach drones courses.
Get an FAA Tracking Number
Are you ready to continue? Fantastic! Now you can create an IACRA account.
Let me backtrack a moment. IACRA means the Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application, which is an FAA resource for commercial drone licensure.
Well, temporary drone licensure, but I’ll explain more about what that means later.
For now, follow these instructions to make an IACRA account.
- Visit the free IACRA website via this link.
- Navigate to the login box and look below that. You will see a link to Register, so click it.
- The first page of registration requires you to check one or more roles. If you’re a first-time pilot with no prior background, you should only select Applicant.
- Scroll down and read the terms of service, then click Continue.
- Type in the details required in the Personal Information section, including your first, middle, and last name and name suffix. You must also include your date of birth, gender, and email address.
- Next, review the available security questions, and type in responses for two of them. The FAA sometimes uses these questions for verification purposes, but they’re mostly to help you remember your password if you can’t recall it.
- Then you can make your IACRA username and password. You’ll have to type your password again to confirm it.
- Click Register.
- IACRA will send you a confirmation message through email with the address you provided. Open the email, click the link, and log in.
- You will see your FTN under your account.
Okay, but what about the section called Certificate Information at the top of the page? You don’t need to concern yourself with that if you choose Applicant as your role.
That’s only for the other roles, as they require you to already have a Remote Pilot Certificate (commercial drone license) when registering.
Become an FAA-certified drone pilot to fly for commercial use. Pass your FAA drone exam on your first try or your money back.
Schedule a testing appointment at a Wyoming FAA Knowledge Testing Center
Next, it’s time to schedule your appointment to take the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) exam, which you can only do at a FAA Knowledge Testing Center.
Knowledge Testing Centers are in-person examination centers. The FAA only administers this test at its Knowledge Testing Centers, not online like they do the recreational exam.
The exam sites are available throughout Wyoming, including Cody, Gillette, Sheridan, Jackson, Buffalo, Casper, Evanston, and Cheyenne.
You can begin your search by using the PSI’s FAA portal after creating an account. Here’s how.
- Click here for the FAA login portal through PSI.
- Select Create an Account.
- Type your FTN and full name, as PSI requires this information to verify you.
- Continue your account registration by typing a unique username, email address, full name (first, middle, and last), and password, repeating the password. You can also select a preferred language, but it will default to English if you skip this part.
- Click Continue.
- PSI will email you to verify your account.
- Before logging in, download an authenticator app that has multifactor authentication. PSI now requires this for registering FAA pilots as of late 2023.
- Sign in and click Find a Test Center.
- Type your Postal Code.
- Choose United States from the Country dropdown menu.
- Select a travel distance from the dropdown, with the shortest distance five miles and the longest distance 300 miles. You can also toggle the distance in kilometers.
- Pick Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) for the Exam.
- Click Search.
- Review the list of Knowledge Testing Centers, which will include the distance from your zip code, the address, and the directions.
- Schedule your exam with the Knowledge Testing Center you selected.
Our best selling 'Part 107 Made Easy' course bundled with our 'Drone Business Made Easy' course.
Studying will put you in the best position for success on the Part 107 exam, but where do your study resources come from?
If you’re using free materials or cobbling together your own study resources from various websites and YouTube videos, you might discover too late you have gaps in your knowledge.
I would hate for that to happen to you considering the Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) test costs $175 each time you take it.
The FAA doesn’t limit the number of times you can take the exam, either, so if you fail, you can keep going and going and going.
How you study matters. While free resources will always be tempting, why not skip the shoddy materials and jump straight to the good stuff?
Droneblog has compiled the ultimate list of beginner drone courses that you definitely don’t want to miss.
What is it about these courses that sets them apart? They’re led by the most trusted names in the industry, for starters.
They’re also comprehensive, delving deep into FAA regulations but without too much confusing jargon.
You can take practice quizzes to become more proficient and pick the brains of your instructors if you have pressing questions. The courses are worth every penny.
With such high pass rates, the courses typically provide awesome money-back guarantees. You will get $175 to cover your exam retake and a full course refund.
That’s the kind of assurance you need walking into the commercial drone exam.
To help you apply the knowledge you’ve gathered, you can take a practice test that has more than 200 questions. DLA culled those questions from real FAA exams.
Take the Part 107 exam and score well
Are you ready for the commercial drone exam? I’m sure the answer is a resounding yes, or at least, I hope so.
You should have studied your tailfeathers off by now and can practically recite FAA regulations in your sleep.
Here is some information to help as you gear up to take the Part 107 test:
- You must have a valid form of photo ID on you such as a driver’s license.
- You can bring extra approved tools like protractors or math calculators, but they’re not mandatory to pass the test.
- You can take your phone with you but not into the testing room. The Knowledge Testing Center will have a locker for keeping your phone until you’re done with the exam.
- The Unmanned Aircraft General – Small (UAG) test consists of 60 questions total, with two and a half hours provided for the exam.
- You must score a 70 to obtain your commercial drone license, with up to 18 questions answered incorrectly.
Your test results will go live on IACRA, so keep checking back for updates.
When you take the test, you’re protected under the Drone Pro Academy’s pass guarantee. Easily pass your FAA Part 107 exam.
Submit Form 8710-13
The moment has come. Your results are in, and you passed. Epic job!
Remember how I mentioned you can request a drone certificate through IACRA? Well, it’s time to do that now by completing Form 8710-13.
Access your IACRA account, then click Start New Application. Select the option Pilot under the Application Type menu, then choose Remote Pilot for the Certifications menu.
Next, select Other Path Information, then click Start New Application. Follow along with the prompts and sign electronically.
That’s it, you’re done. Next, IACRA will send your data to the TSA for a security background check.
If you pass, you will hear from IACRA with a temporary version of your Part 107 certificate.
You will receive this by email, and you can print it out and use it until the FAA sends your permanent license in the mail.
The Online Part 107 Prep Course includes more than 120 lesson objectives. Practice exams with questions from real FAA tests are also invaluable.
I have my drone license in Wyoming – Now what?
Great work on becoming a licensed drone pilot in Wyoming. This is definitely a celebratory time, but make sure you register your drone before you take it out for its first spin.
That’s right, the FAA requires all commercial drones be registered no matter how much (or little) they weigh.
You should also brush up on your Wyoming state drone laws. Under SF 170, you can lawfully fly in the state unless you land on the water, which is illegal (emergencies are allowed).
Do you have drone insurance?
Wyoming may be a lax state in many ways, but you should still strongly consider adding insurance to an existing or new policy.
Having insurance protects you if you cause an accident, which is likely if you’re still learning how to fly a drone.
You’ll appreciate the extra safety afforded to you through insurance, as it will lend you peace of mind when operating your drone.
Then, last but certainly not least is the consideration of what you will do with your drone license when it expires. Your Remote Pilot Certificate becomes invalid within two years of when the FAA issues it to you.
Many pilots want to continue flying, and you may be one of them. In that case, check out this post outlining drone license renewal.